I'm still seeing lunatics trying to gin up further controversy over the "email scandal" of Hillary Clinton, perhaps as a continuing distraction from the actual, ongoing, multiple serious crimes that the #GOP and #BadlyActingPresident #FakePOTUS Donald J. Trump are actively engaged in.
If you see more of that sort of b.s., simply say something - ridicule it; push back. Drop some facts on 'em. It won't hurt them - it won't matter or make a dent - but it helps ensure that the facts and reality aren't lose beneath a mountain of "#altFacts" bullshit.
Here's the basic reality regarding HRC and the ongoing poutrage:
- @GOP's 8 yrs of investigation found nothing to actually prosecute
- The outraged minions of the @GOP & #Cult45 ignore #MILLIONS of "lost" emails from Dubya's reign
Oh, did you forget those? Here's a refresher: http://www.newsweek.com/2016/09/23/george-w-bush-white-house-lost-22-million-emails-497373.html and http://www.pbs.org/weta/washingtonweek/web-video/missing-white-house-emails
Far larger security issues involved, spanning multiple sensitive areas, over a prolonged period of time, clearly willfully and maliciously conducted with full knowledge by the actors involved. Multiple problems, much damage to our government security infrastructure, further investigation intentionally squelched / ignored by the Senate GOP & House Republicans, largely forgotten by media & public.
The still-continuing hand-wringing over Hillary Clinton's "email" scandal is largely faux outrage: keeping it going now is simply a "convenient distraction" while it's still fresh-hot in the memories of the raging anti-Clinton factions. It provides a necessary distraction from the ongoing active investigations into the current criminal activities of the GOP & Trump Administration - activities which have even more serious national security implications than even the 22 million missing emails from the Bush/Cheney "Era"& their criminal #GOP Administration.